Tocker Blog

Voters oppose book bans

And it may surprise some that it is nearly the same on both sides of the political spectrum. According to a recent study conducted by Hart Research Associates and North Star Opinion Research on behalf of the American Library Association, most voters and parents hold librarians in high regard, have confidence in their local libraries to make good decisions about
July 15, 2022

Intellectual Freedom


ALA speaks against book bans at U.S. House hearing

June 1, 2022

Intellectual Freedom

Libraries cannot remain neutral about hate, oppression, censorship

In the current climate of well-funded campaigns to control what children read, Melanie Huggins, president of the Public Library Association (a division of the American Library Association), is speaking out in Public Libraries Journal Jan/Feb 2022. She shares that in the past, the diversity of a collection served as a library’s primary (and mostly quiet) act of resistance against hate,
April 7, 2022

Intellectual Freedom

Take part in the Texas rural broadband survey

Texas’ new office of broadband development is tasked with ensuring that all Texans have access to reliable, high-quality broadband. To allow all corners of the state to be heard, they are inviting Texans to offer their thoughts by completing an online survey. Share it with friends, neighbors, family and colleagues. Survey is open until May 5, 2022.
Texas Broadband Development Office
March 17, 2022


Broadband Development Office tours the state

To guide the strategic vision of Texas’ new Broadband Development Office, Comptroller Glenn Hegar is touring 12 communities to get Texans’ insights about internet access and collect input to develop the state’s first broadband plan. These events are free, and Texans are encouraged to attend and share their thoughts about broadband services in their communities. This is a great opportunity
March 7, 2022



Freedom to read is a right

The Austin Public Library stands with the entire library community in defense of the freedom to speak and the freedom to read, and opposed to censorship of any library materials.
January 25, 2022

Intellectual Freedom


Librarians make libraries trusted places

January 10, 2022



American Library Association opposes book censorship

December 10, 2021

Intellectual Freedom

Rural libraries get help to rebuild with American Rescue Plan: Humanities grants

American Rescue Plan: Humanities Grants for Libraries is a $2 million grant program to anchor libraries as strong humanities institutions as they rebuild from the pandemic and restore activities. American Library Association (ALA) will award up to 200 ARP grants of $10,000 each to libraries with an emphasis on reaching historically under-served and/or rural communities. ALA provides all you need
American Rescue Plan Humanities Grants for Libraries
October 14, 2021


American Rescue Plan Act money makes its way to Texas libraries

Wednesday, September 1st at 2 pm, join TSLAC staff for a live webinar discussing the details of three new competitive grant opportunities for libraries made possible by emergency pandemic funding through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The three grant focus areas are support for libraries related to the pandemic, digital navigators, and telehealth. What will you do with the
TSLAC ARPA Grants .8 Million emergency pandemic funding through the American Rescue Plan Act via the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Texas supports library grants. Texas digital navigators grants. Texas telehealth grants.
August 31, 2021


Public libraries are eligible for Emergency Connectivity Fund

The Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF) is a one-time, $7.17 billion funding program authorized by the American Rescue Act Plan (ARPA) and directed at remote learning through libraries and K-12 schools. Application period ends on August 13, 2021. Fund period runs July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022. Visit the ECF or the American Library Association’s dedicated page to get up to speed
July 26, 2021


Writers’ League of Texas ready to take their Texas Writes program back on the road

Is your library ready to host in-person programming again? The Writers’ League of Texas is seeking rural libraries interested in hosting their free, 3 hour writing workshop, Texas Writes. Each workshop includes two presentations on the craft of writing by published authors, plus a moderated conversation and Q&A. Workshops are free and open to all. Twelve to fifteen rural libraries
June 11, 2021
