kids playroom at community library
Fairfield Library | Fairfield, TX

Library Transformation Grant

$100,000 grants reserved for those libraries ready to hit the ‘refresh’ button.

Revitalizing Rural Libraries

Many rural libraries look much the same as they did 20, 30 even 40 years ago when they were first created. Our Transformation Grant process gives these libraries the opportunity to rethink and refurnish their entire space to reflect the ways that libraries are used today while providing flexibility for the future. Our goal is to combine the Foundation's objectives and 21st Century best practices with the library's objectives and ultimately, expand the impact of the grant.

Architectural Partnership

We accomplish this ambitious task by pairing the library’s staff and leadership with an architect who has years of experience designing libraries. A core feature of this process is a commitment to key design principles of a modern library as represented by the architect, combined with the goals and input of the local community. This is how each project maintains current library standards while reflecting the uniqueness of each community.

man reading in library nook

Allen Memorial Library | Hawkins, TX

teen library area with books and tables

Goliad Public Library | Goliad, TX

library reading cubby for kids

Seagraves Branch | Gaines County Library

Collaborating for maximum impact

Success of Transformation Grants is dependent on this unique partnership between the Foundation and the library’s leadership. This type of time-intensive project is typically not something the average rural librarian has experience with and understandably, can be intimidating. With technical assistance and Foundation support, the process is elevated from a transaction to a team effort designed to get you from start to ‘Wow!’ Libraries that have completed a transformation grant report dramatic increases in circulation and program attendance, demand for new programming and materials, and increase in the facility’s use as a public space.

Ready to transform your library?

Contact us

Start the conversation with Foundation staff today. Let’s determine if our Transformation Grant is the right fit for your community.

Due to the unique nature of each project, we use this preliminary conversation to determine eligibility. Consequently, access to the application in our portal is restricted.

Act now to meet the biannual grant deadlines on January 15th and June 1st – the first step towards unlocking the potential for positive change in your library awaits!