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ALA’s Office of Intellectual Freedom

Implements ALA policies concerning intellectual freedom as embodied in the Library Bill of Rights, the Association’s basic policy on free access to libraries and library materials.
American Library Association’s Fight Censorship Page

ALA offers this clearinghouse of resources to assist library workers and advocates in responding to and supporting others facing those challenges.
Association of Rural and Small Libraries
ARSL strives to create resources and services that address national, state, and local priorities for libraries in rural communities.
Better World Books
Collection and sales of books online to donate books and fund literacy initiatives worldwide.
Get IRS data, plus more up-to-date information from nonprofits for free. In 2019, Foundation Center and GuideStar joined forces to become Candid.
FReadom Fighters

Provides professional resources for librarians, teachers and authors facing book challenges
Freedom to Read Foundation

Protects and defends the First Amendment to the Constitution and supports the right of libraries to collect – and individuals to access.
Institute of Museum and Library Services
The federal agency tasked with overseeing and supporting museums and libraries through research, policy development and grantmaking.
OCLC provides shared technology services, original research, and community programs so that libraries can better fuel learning, research, and innovation.
Partners Library Action Network (PLAN)
A membership organization dedicated to strengthening Texas public libraries.

READCON empowers libraries to become true centers of community engagement, where everyone feels welcome and information is accessible to all.
Rural LISC
Publishes Rural eNews, a monthly online newsletter announcing funding opportunities, and training that reduces isolation of those in rural areas by providing topics for education and growth.